Thursday 19 July 2012

5 Tips On How To Make Your Blog Visitors Stay Longer !

The length of time that you can keep your visitors on your website can be a crucial factor in determining how successful your blog will be.
Simply getting traffic in the form of thousands of unique visitors daily is meaningless if the time they spend on your site is less than a few seconds or your bounce rate is more than 95%.
There are certain things you can do in the way you present your pages and posts which will maximize the chances of your visitors sticking around for a longer period on your site.
The longer people stay the greater your opportunity to monetize their visit or convince them to take your desired call to action.
call to action is an Internet marketing term which refers to the primary action that you want your visitors to take when they land on your page or website. One example of a call to action  is where you want someone to click your “buy now” button and purchase your product. Another might be that you want to get people to download your free ebook after signing up as members.
Below are some tips which will help you to keep the attention of your visitors or at the very least keep them interested long enough to stay and explore your site and ultimately perform the call to action you want them to.
  1. Remove unnecessary external links from your landing pages and use internal linksTrying to increase the average visitor time on your site is one of the ways that you can decrease your bounce rate and increase your rankings.If you use Google Analytics you’ve probably already heard of the term “bounce rate”.Bounce rate (as defined by Google) is:“..the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page”.
    Therefore plastering your affiliate banners and links all over your pages can work against you if your visitors leave your site immediately from the page they entered from.
    Try to entice your visitors to read more by offering them some relevant links to another internal page or post where you provide a useful review and which ultimately contains your affiliate banner. This way you are not pushing people straight out of the same door they entered.
    There are some useful WP plugins you can use to add relevant internal post links to your blog such as Yet Another Related Posts Plugin.
  2. Use emotion to present your messagePeople most often buy from emotion whether they admit it or not. This is because the actions which emanate from emotion are quite often subconscious.
    Hence, an emotional response is much more likely to achieve a call to action than a logical one.For instance if you are trying to convince someone to buy your product by using logic, then the chances are that they will also look at your argument from a rational point of view and they will weigh up the pros and cons of buying versus not buying.If you introduce an emotional element to your message such as presenting a benefit or selling a solution to a problem or highlighting how people can get closer to achieving their dream, then you will appeal to the emotional decision making areas of the brain.
    This will maximize the chances of gaining a customer because it will create an emotional connection between your message and the reader.Therefore once you have successfully forged a positive emotional relationship with your readers, they will happily want to come back to your site to explore further or even become regular customers.
  3. Include video content on your posts and pagesVideo is one of the most effective ways to communicate a message to people. Even short videos of just a few minutes can often deliver more value to your readers than multiple pages of writing can.
    Therefore in the cases where you would usually get people browsing through an article in 10 to 20 seconds before leaving, the added benefit of using a short video is that it increases the likely-hood that people will stay on your site for longer because they are watching your video.
    Video on the Internet is really just a modern extension of TV but the great thing is that you get to be the producer of the content.
  4. Use captivating images in conjunction with your copy or content
    Quite often the right image coupled with the relevant content can induce an emotional response and it can help lay the foundations for the right mindset you want to create before somebody reads your sales pitch or post.
    Humans are quite easily visually stimulated and you can exploit this by using effective images and colors with your message.
  5. Focus on providing value and informative content rather than blatant advertising
    Your content and the value which it provides is the sticking point which helps to build a relationship with your readers. A relationship needs some measure of trust by both parties but when you successfully gain this trust from your readers or clients then you are also creating a longer term investment where current customers also become future customers.There are many ways you can provide value for people who will in turn be very happy to return the favor by becoming a customer. For instance you could offer free online courses or a series of tutorials which people can access after they sign up as free members.
    You could also set up your own forum or support system which provides help to people but also an opportunity for people to interact with each other.


Many of you might already known about PING service,if you dont know already then i am here to tell you,first of all,

Ping is a  services allow you to automatically notify blog directories and search engines which crawl the datas from blogs and sites all over the world,and make a alert that your blog has been updated.

To know this trick,The bigger your ping list the higher is the chances of receiving traffic from those sources, so check out the list below and include it on your blog .
Note:WordPress users can easily modify their ping list on the Control Panel, then Options, then Writing.thats it.
You find it useful?
then leave it a comment or share with your friends.
If you know more png sites other than listed here,

How Google track Invalid Click [Information]

Have you think about how do google know that this is a Valid or Invalid AdClick? Google Adsense serve a large number of ads and it necessary to findout the fraud or invalid clicks on ads. Here is a Google Invalid Clicks Tracking Methods below which helps everyone to understand that how google can trace your clicks. Google can easily track you and collect your behaviour and data which you have browsed. Google is a leading ad company and manage everything very smartly. As you know that Google Adsense allows to earn from valid clicks or page impressions. Ads are automatically distributed according to page materiel. Google adsense is very popular become Bloggers and everyone willing to get Adsense account. Many users making fraud clicks and try to earn easy money. But they often get banned because of Invalid Clicks method by Google.

But question is that How Google will detect invalid clicks? Google has highly sophisticated systems to detect invalid clicks. These are several ways to detect Invalid clicks:

IP Address: Its very common ways to detect invalid clicks almost all ads companies are using this method. Once you login to your account, your IP will be trace for such invalid click.

GEO Location: It has very powerful tools to detect from Geological Locations.

Cookies: Google will set cookies on your computer,that can trace even you restart your connection. Very strong tool for it.
Your Website/Blog Design: Google will clearly say that adsense user must Read Terms of Services (TOS) before use. Its has clearly mention that don’t offer visitors to click on ads and clearly mention that ADS wherever there is ads. You should not ask anyone to click on ads.

Way of Click: The way of click is artificial intelligence,Normally peoples will surf net and click on the ads but peoples intentionally click on ads as they enter wesite/blog.

Google Services: Other google services will detect the invalid clicks (Youtube, gmail, gtalk etc).

Also google has many other Detection and monitoring technique and Advance monitoring technique to find such activities.
Remember that once you had been in invalid click scam the Google will suspend or ban your Account with or without intimation. You must take care of this things to prevent your adsense account getting banned. For easy earning don't go for a invalid methods and I wish for a good earning to you.

Sunday 15 July 2012

How To Earn Money Online In India [don't miss it] (not spam)

Today i will share you two best online programs with which you can earn money online in India. So before i show you program please let me confirm one thing, Every job require's hard work and time but at the end success is guaranteed.

So lets Begin.

First Online Program to earn money online is ipanel. Now let me discuss the program in detail and let you know how you will earn money online with ipanel.

Ipanel :- Another New and Great site for Indians to earn money online. This site offers cash and gifts on completing easy surveys about general topics. You can join for free and take survey about different topics like computers,cars, IT, elections, travels etc. and earn points which are convertible into cash. Earn Rs.50 to 100 per survey.

Also refer friends and relatives and earn 100 points (Rs.10/-) per referral. Best part of this program is you dont have to wait for your payment, You will be paid in 1-2days.

So Join Ipanel Here.

Second online program to earn money online is realwritingjobs. Now let me discuss the program in detail and let you know how you will make money online with realwritingjobs.

India’s secret base for N-subs underway

Kalyan Ray, New Delhi, April 9, DHNS:
Navy’s asset

India’s first operational base for nuclear submarines, being developed secretly, for which the government has sanctioned close to Rs 160 crore in the new budget is underway, sources told Deccan Herald.

An underwater hiding place for her.While more than Rs 58 crore has been allocated for civil works related to the base, the rest will be spent on developing under-water communication systems for the nuclear subs so that the boomers can communicate with each other and also the base station.

Being developed under the code name Project Varsha, the nuclear submarine base will be located at an undisclosed location off the eastern coast.

 The work began almost two years ago and Navy spent about Rs 18 crore on the project in the last two years.

The first two occupants of the base will be the indigenous “INS Arihant” and the Russian nuclear submarine Nerpa, which India will hire from Russia.

Arihant will be inducted by 2012 implying that the Nerpa may arrive soon as the naval officers and sailors need on-board training in the nuclear submarine before taking up the responsibility of operating the Arihant.

Once the two nuclear-powered submarines are in operation, the new base will be a strategic naval asset. The plan is to make the underwater base as good as the Chinese N-sub base on Hainan island.

Communication link being crucial for nuclear subs that can remain underwater for months, the government has sanctioned Rs 100 crore in the budget to develop the very-long frequency communication system for the boomers and the base. The same project received only Rs 15 crore last year.

The “INS Arihant” was launched in July 2009. Initially, it was to undergo sea trial for two years before induction. Now, the deadline has been pushed to 2012 though the Navy did not elaborate on the reasons for delay. Two indigenous nuclear subs that are believed to be under construction are likely to be ready by 2020.

New Delhi is also understood to have signed a secret $650 million inter-governmental agreement with Moscow for leasing the second Akula class submarine to the navy for three years.

However, there is delay in the leasing process too, the reason for which may be the absence of a suitable parking place for the boomers.

 The berthing facility created for the INS Chakra—the Akula class nuclear submarine which India hired from Russia in 1989 for years—has long been taken up for other purposes.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Bsnl Working Internet Trick Mobile And PC-July 2012

STEP 1.Make New Gprs Setting In You Mobile Phone
STEP 2.Set Proxy Address As--
STEP 3.Set Proxy Port As--9209
STEP 4.Set Access Point {APN}
STEP 5.Save the setting and restart the mobile phone (3G) and enjot bsnl free 3G speed like paid net.
Enjoy.. :)

Best any easy way to protect your PC. No virus attack anymore.

The Best Ever Configuration To Have A Protected PC (If You Dont Install Programs On Daily Basis) is :

1. Install Windows (Any Version Above Nt)
2. Install Your Softwares From Office Media (Magazene Media/Official Programs)

3. Set Your Account To Limited (Follow These Steps) :

Log on to Administrator Account (Double tap Ctr+Alt+Del and Fill Administrator), Open Control Panel > User Accounts > Change A Account > Set Account Type > Limited


Download "Sudown" (A Freeware That Will Make Your System Limited Account), add a password to your account and right click your desktop and select "#sudo Control Panel"

This will protect your system from every type of bad program. and keeps your system flawlessly running at its highest speed (Antivirus.... Anti... Will Decrease Your Speed to 1/4)

Now you can download and execute all viruses with no system harm


Have Magic Repair automatically Repairs Windows common problems like defragging, registry repairing, junk cleaning. Download now :

Vodafone 3g net cracked for high speed in 2g sim.

Yes, Now we can get 3G speed in 2G sim. it been seen that we can get about 1-2 Mbps speed.
ie downloading speed up to 500,600 KB.

just you have to do is..
>3g handset
Vodafone sim with any 2G net pack.
>change apn to WWW (Vodafone mobile connect)
>user name and password is blank
>home page
>change your network 2G to 3G


3G is here..

for PC use, i recommend IDM for download.

Note: applicable for all India Vodafone. any dough or problem, comment here.. happy to help.. :)

Need Any HElp?? Game problem

Hey!!!! anyone need advice for any game related problems? just post here..