Tuesday 1 August 2023

Towards a Safer, Prosperous, and United Kerala: A Government's Responsibility


The recent events and developments in Kerala have brought to light some crucial aspects that require immediate attention and action from the government. From the horrific incident of a young girl's rape and murder to the impending challenges of the monsoon season, the state is facing a diverse set of issues. In this blog post, we address these matters and suggest some measures that the government can undertake to ensure the well-being and progress of Kerala.

1. Ensuring Safety and Justice for All:

The tragic incident of the 5-year-old girl's rape and murder has shaken the entire state. It is paramount for the government to take swift and decisive action to ensure justice for the victim and her family. Strengthening the law enforcement system, improving police clearance procedures for migrant workers, and promoting awareness about child safety are vital steps in this direction. Additionally, fostering a safe and inclusive environment for women and children through community engagement and education is essential.

2. Preparing for the Monsoon Challenges:

The onset of the monsoon season brings both opportunities and threats to Kerala. While the state heavily relies on monsoons for its water needs, it must also be prepared to tackle the potential risks of floods and landslides. The government should focus on bolstering disaster management capabilities, early warning systems, and efficient evacuation procedures. Investments in resilient infrastructure and sustainable urban planning will help mitigate the impact of natural disasters and safeguard the lives of citizens.

3. Nurturing the Economic Growth:

Kerala's financial health appears promising, with a surplus budget for the fiscal year and substantial investments in infrastructure projects. The government should continue to prioritize economic development, emphasizing sectors like tourism, which have proven to be significant contributors to the state's economy. By implementing business-friendly policies, promoting entrepreneurship, and diversifying the economy, Kerala can further strengthen its financial position and create more employment opportunities for its citizens.

4. Enhancing the Well-being of the People:

Despite having a high literacy rate and low crime rate, Kerala faces challenges in managing the rising cost of living. To address this issue, the government should focus on implementing welfare schemes that support vulnerable communities. Initiatives like subsidized essential commodities, affordable healthcare, and quality education will ease the financial burden on families and enhance the overall well-being of the people.

5. Fostering Inclusivity and Unity:

As Kerala gears up for the upcoming assembly elections, it is crucial to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity and respect for diverse ideologies. The government should prioritize secular values, promoting harmony and unity among different communities. Encouraging open dialogue and constructive debates will contribute to a robust democratic process and strengthen the fabric of the state's political landscape.


The government of Kerala faces multiple challenges in safeguarding the safety, prosperity, and unity of the state. By prioritizing the safety of its citizens, enhancing disaster preparedness, nurturing economic growth, and focusing on the well-being of the people, the government can set Kerala on a path of progress and prosperity. It is essential to embrace inclusive policies, encourage public participation, and work collaboratively to address these challenges effectively. Together, as a united and resilient community, Kerala can overcome adversities and forge a brighter future for generations to come.